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The Triton is a wearable product for competitive swimmers that tracks 15 key performance metrics, giving swimmers an excellent tool for improving their technique and timing.  The main Triton device attaches to a swimmers goggles and during use rests at the back of the swimmers head.  Through design it has been made unintrusive and does not interfere with swimming performace.  The device communicates with a 'hub' unit which can collect data from multiple Triton devices, and sends that data to a tablet app viewed by the swimming coach.

Tensen Design worked closely with TritonWear Inc. to develop the Triton device and its hub, from the early design concept stage through to production.  Our primary roles included: Industrial design, prototyping, ergonomics evaluation, design for manufacturing and facilitation of manufacturing through our network.

Because this product is submerged in water during normal use, and is subjected to constant liquid turbulance as the swimmer moves, it required robust water-proofing.  This design challenge was overcome through the correct selection of encapsulation production technologies and materials, allowing the product to be constructed without the use of complex gaskets or fasteners.

To see more about this product watch the video below and visit

Images and video © 2018 TritonWear Inc. All Rights Reserved.



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